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Best Place to
Exchange Currency
in Scarborough

Banks charge huge hidden fees when exchanging money.
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We are the most trusted name in foreign currency exchange...

in Canada with over 70 media news interviews including 20 video interviews all by Canadian news outlets

Trusted and Reviewed

“I saved a huge amount…about $3,000 over the bank quoted for U.S. dollars…everything went as smooth as a dream”

David Newman, Florida Property Buyer interviewed by the Toronto Star

“KnightsbridgeFX is an online currency exchange company that seeks to undercut foreign exchange rates offered by larger financial institutions”

Preet Banerjee, columnist, for the Globe and Mail

“You can save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars”

Terry Ritchie, Calgary-based financial planner who specializes in cross-border financial issues.

“KnightsbridgeFX is “the costco’s of foreign exchange”

Financial Advisor quoted in the Globe and Mail

Benefits of Using Knightsbridge Foreign Exchange

Currency Exchange in Scarborough

Scarborough is former city of Ontario and currently part of the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) as a result of the 1998 Toronto amalgamation. Scarborough is home to over 600,000 inhabitants.

Scarborough is a popular destination for new immigrants and youth. The visible minorities make up 67% of Scarborough's population. The majority of Scarborough's population are between the ages of 25 to 64 and 52% lie within the "working age"

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Sell US Dollars in Scarborough
Best Place to Exchange Currency in Scarborough
Best Currency Exchange Rate in Scarborough